WebOS development
Around 2009 or 2010 I got my first smartphone: A Palm Pre running webOS. An awesome OS and an awesome phone at the time. When it broke and I upgraded to a Galaxy S2 it really felt like a downgrade.
…Free again
I had 2 mostly enjoyable years at ArangoDB working as a C++ developer but I finally decided to be my own boss again.
…Rust Lifetime findings I
So somebody once said that you should not hesitate to post things you think would be n00bish but others might simply struggle with the same problems so it is helpful anyway. While I couldn't agree more it is still a step to really do it.…
Making of Wirklichkeitssteuerungsgeraet
Somebody today asked me for the slides of Wirklichkeitssteuerungsgeraet
which I held several months ago at the DevHouseFriday meetup.…